It is advisable to conduct a search of the United States Trademark Office database before filing your application to determine if there is a registered or pending mark that is similar to yours. You may search The United States Trademark Office’s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) and Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database for free. However, these databases may be difficult to navigate. Trademarkia allows you to easily search federally pending and registered trademarks.
To search for word marks, simply enter the search name located on the Trademarkia website. Enter the mark that you are inquiring about. Please note that this search will only query results containing the exact spelling and spacing of your search. Therefore, you should try searching different spelling and spacing variations of your inquired mark.
To search for logo marks, visit Trademarkia’s logo search page. Simply enter the design elements for the logo that you are inquiring about.